miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Book Blitz | Loving Angel + Sorteo

¡Holi! ♥

Os traigo otro libro jugostio y la oportunidad de ganar un ejemplar digital, ¡animaos!

Título: Loving Angel
Autora: J.L. Weil 
Saga: Divisa #4
Fecha de publicación: 2 de octubre de 2014 
Géneros:: Paranormal, Juvenil

Loving Angel isn’t easy. Actually, it’s downright exhausting, but somehow she weaseled her way into my life. She has become my everything—my reason for existing—my reason for breathing. I love the ever-loving crap out of Angel Eyes. There is nothing I wouldn’t endure for her—even college.
College. Ugh.
I hope the frat boys, the jocks, and the nerds are prepared for what is about to embark on their school this fall. Half-demons. Hunters. And um, the Keystone? Yeah, that is going to take getting used to.
We aren’t exactly your average freshman. And somehow I find myself stuck with a bunch of troublesome females to look after. Angel. Emma. Lexi. Pretty sure I got the raw end of the stick.
But that isn’t the worst of it. There is someone lurking in the shadows—spying and stalking my girlfriend. He is a dead man. How many people am I going to have to kill for this girl? A better question would be how many people wouldn’t I kill for her?
As many as it took.
Angel is about to experience betrayal of the worst kind. And this time, it’s not entirely my fault—shocker.

Amar a Angel no es fácil. En verdad, es agotador, pero de alguna forma ella ha conseguido entrar en mi vida. Ella se ha convertido en mi todo, en mi razón para existir, mi razón para respirar. Por ella haría lo que fuera, incluso ir a la universiad.
Universidad. Ugh.
Espero que los chicos de fraternidad, los deportistas y los nerds estén preparados para lo que está a punto de llegar a su universidad este otoño. Medio-demonios. Cazadores. Y um, la Piedra Llave? Sí, va a costar acostumbrarse.
Nosotros no somos exactamente los novatos habituales. Y de algún modo de repento estoy obligado a cuidar de un puñado de problemáticas chicas. Angel. Emma. Lexi. Pero esto no es lo peor. Hay alguien acechando en las sompras, espiando y acosando a mi novia. Es hombre muerto. ¿Cuántas personas tendré que matar por esta chica? Mejor dicho ¿ha cuántas personas no mataría por ella?
Tantas como sean necesarias.
Angel está a punto de experimentar el peor tipo de traición. Y esta vez, no es del todo culpa mía.
Award-winning and Bestselling author J.L. Weil writes Teen & New Adult Paranormal Romances about spunky, smart mouth girls who always wind up in dire situations. For every sassy girl, there is an equally mouthwatering, overprotective guy. Of course there is lots of kissing. And stuff.

Most of her books are for ages 16+. They usually have what she considers the good stuff - sexual content (oh yeah) and swearing. You have been warned ;)

An admitted addict to Love Pink clothes, raspberry mochas from Starbucks, (yum!) and Jensen Ackles (double yum!). She loves gushing about books and Supernatural with her readers.

Ganadora de un premio y autora bestseller, J.L. Weil escribe romance paranormal juvenil y new adult sobre chicas guapas e inteligentes que acaban en situaciones terribles. Para cada chica descarada hay un guaperas sobreprotector. Por supuesto hay muchos besos. Y cosas.

La mayoría de sus libros son para mayores de 16 años. Normalmente contienen lo que ella considera buen material: contenido sexual (oh sí) y palabrotas. Has sido avisado ;)

Admite ser adicta a la ropa Love Pint, a los moccas de frambuesa del Starbucks (¡yum!) y a Jensen Ackles (¡doble yum!). Le gusta charlar sobre libros y los sobrenatural con sus lectores.

Author links:
For anyone who thought love was easy, well, I’d say they haven’t met Angel.
Loving Angel…it’s not easy. Actually, it’s downright exhausting.
I’d never met a single person who attracted as much trouble as she did. It was as if she oozed danger-stalk-me nectar. What was a guy to do?
Okay. I’ll admit that because of me and what I am, I had put her smack dab in the middle of a demon war, but I swear she does a bang-up job of getting herself in all kinds of gooey situations on her own.
How many people would I have to kill for this girl? Simple. As many as it took. In all honesty, a better question would be: How many people wouldn’t I kill for her?
Angel was my every thing—my reason for existing—my reason for breathing. I loved the ever-loving crap out of Angel Eyes.
Gawd. I think I might have vomited a little in my mouth.
Mushy thoughts weren’t my forte. Well, before Angel they weren’t. Not a single romantic thought had swirled in my brain. I wasn’t exactly an easy person—scratch that, half-demon to love, but somehow Angel was able to see past my rocky and rough exterior.
God bless her.
Being a badass meant I was an asshole more times than not. I had a reputation to live up to, and everything you might have heard…it’s all a hundred percent true.
In case you’ve been living in a cave, the name’s Chase Winters, and I’m not your average incoming college freshman. Nope. I’m half demon.
It’s true. My so-called father is a demon with a mega power trip. I might be only part human, but my family is just as screwed up as the next.
That being said, I finally thought it was time you heard the story from my side. Lord knows Angel fabricates everything.
For once, it was not entirely my fault that Angel’s life was at stake.
What a mind-blowing concept.
♥ Sorteo ♥

No conocía la saga, ni la autora, pero la verdad es que me llama la atención esta saga, así que me la apunto a wishlist y me apunto al sorteo (que si me hago con el cuarto libro será un incentivo para leer los anteriores jejeje).

¡Nos leemos!

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