jueves, 16 de julio de 2015

Book Blitz | The single game + Sorteo

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Tïtulo: The Single Game
Autora: Amanda Black
Saga: The Apartment Novel #3 (*)
Fecha de publicación: 15 de julio de 2015
Géneros: New Adult, Romántica
When Eden Foster’s parents tell her they’re moving from Chicago to the Illinois suburb of Aledo, Eden is crushed. That is, until she runs crying to her jock boyfriend, who she finds on top of her so-called best friend. Moving’s not looking so bad anymore.
Now a senior at Mercer County High, Eden is ready to re-enter the dating scene. Still burned over the betrayal of her ex, she’s looking for someone sweet and innocent. With the help of her two new friends, Zoe and Amy, Eden makes a list of what she’s looking for: an eager virgin, ready for training—and no jocks.
Eden thinks she’s found what she’s looking for in Logan Black, a shy and geeky classmate. But why are Zoe and Amy convinced that the answer to her search is a party game…with kissing?
Eden better get ready, because she’s about to play the Single Game.

Cuando los padres de Eden Foster le dicen que se van a mudar de Chicago a Aledo, un suburbio de Illinois, queda destrozada. Eso sí, solo hasta que corre llorando donde su novio deportista y se lo encunetra encima de su supuesta mejor amiga. Ahora mudarse no tiene tan mala pinta.

Ahora es estudiante de último año en el instituto Mercer Country y Eden está preparada para entrar de nuevo en el panorama de las citas. Como todavía está ardiendo por la traición de su ex, busca a alguien dulce e inocente. Con la ayuda de sus dos nuevas amigas, Zoe y Amy, Eden hace una lista de lo que está buscando: un dispuesto vírgen, listo para el entrenamiento... y nada de deportistas.

Eden cree que ha encontrado lo que está buscando en Logan Black, un tímido y algo friki compañero de clase. ¿Pero por qué creen Zoe y Amy que la respuesta a su búsqueda está en el juego de una fiesta... con besos?

Lo mejor será que Eden esté preparada, porque está a punto de jugar al Single Game (Juego de Solteros).
Amanda Black was born and raised in the Midwest, where she still lives with her husband and spoiled-rotten dogs. She earned a bachelor's degree in Studio Art before deciding that she actually needed to pay some bills, which is when she took a position as an ophthalmic technician.

For the past few years she's been a closet romance writer in her spare time and would love nothing more than to make it a full-time career. When she's not writing her next steamy love scene, her interests include reading, sketching, and annihilating her friends and family in movie trivia.

Amanda Black nació y creció en el Medio Oeste, donde aún vive con su marido y sus mimados perros. Se sacó la carrera de Estudio del Arte, porque decidió que necesitaba pagar algunas facturas, y fue aquí cuando consiguió un puesto como técnico de oftálmica.

En los últimos años ha sido escritora de romance en sus tiempos libres, y lo que más le gustaría es poder convertirlo en su trabajo a tiempo completo. Cuando no está excribiendo su próxima ardiente escena de amor, sus interesen incluyen leer, dibujar y aniquilar a su familia y amigos en juegos de cine.

Author links:
What elements of your own love life influenced this story?

More than I should probably admit! My husband and I were both very young when we started dating. Not quite as young as Eden and Logan, but there were still plenty of bets that we would never make it.
There is less angst in The Single Game than in your previous books (The Apartment and The Blank Canvas), can you talk about that a little bit more? 
That was most definitely on purpose. By the time I finished writing those books I was absolutely drained from all of the emotions I had dredged up, both personal and fictional. Once I started getting the idea for The Single Game I saw that as an opportunity to just sit back and have some fun. It sounds funny to say that I was avoiding melodrama while also writing about teenagers, but I just wanted it to feel genuine, sweet and loving. Life has enough angst. I wanted to give me and my readers a small break.

What motivated you to write a New Adult Erotica?

I was already used to writing erotic romance after the last two books, but I was just really drawn to the story that was growing in my mind of these two teenagers on the verge of graduating high school. It’s such a big milestone in everyone’s life and I wanted to see how this couple would deal with a budding relationship in the middle of all of that.
I was so intrigued by the characters in this story. Logan is a shy, geeky, male virgin whereas Eden is a beautiful, confident, and sexually active HS senior girl. What made you reverse these typically male/female roles? 
I’m always up for a good role reversal! Honestly, some details of their relationship were drawn right from my own and other people I’ve known. There were plenty of girls who got burned by dating a player and they were much happier once they gave the shy guy another look. Plus, how many of us have said at one time, “I’d love to find a guy with no relationship baggage who I could teach exactly what I like.” Eden takes that idea and runs with it, exploring and discovering brand new things that she and Logan both like.

What character in The Single Game is most like you and why? 
Definitely Eden. I had the proverbial burning by the ex. Not quite as dramatic as hers was, but that scene came from my ugliest high school memories. I wasn’t back in the saddle until early college but by then I knew what a treasure I had when I found my own shy guy.
♥ Sorteo ♥

(*) Antes de nada, creo conveniente aclarar el punto de la "saga". Por lo que he leído, los dos primeros libros de esta serie, The Apartment y The Blank Canvas, son continuaciones, es decir, un primer y segundo libro como tales. Pero al parecer este tercer libro es "independiente". No me he leído los anteriores, así que no os puedo decir cuál es el punto común entre los tres libros, pero lo que está claro es que no es necesario leer los anteriores para entender este. Tendrán algún punto en común como el colegio al que van los personajes, algún secundario que aparezca en los tres, que en este aparezca algún protagonista de los anteriores o alguna cosa de esas.

Aclarado ya el tema de si es una saga o no... Este libro tiene pinta de una lectura entretenida, como la mayoría de New Adult, pero tampoco tiene pinta de que vaya a ser memorable. Uno más entre tantos. Aunque quien sabe, algunas premisas de lo más sencillas son las que a la larga más te marcan o más recuerdas, por una cosa u otra.

De cualquier forma, el sorteo no es para un ejemplar de este libro, sino para una tarjeta de regalo en Amazon (que obviamente podéis gastar como queráis XD) y los dos primeros libros de la saga en digital. No os resistáis y participad ^^

¡Nos leemos! ♥

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