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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Wolf Moon Rising. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Wolf Moon Rising. Mostrar todas las entradas
Black Moon | Wolf Moon Rising #1 | Sam Burns & WM Fawkes

Linden Grove has always known that he’s not destined to be the next pack alpha. That position belonged to his brother Aspen—but then Aspen left the pack to join the military. When the unthinkable happens and the pack is left rudderless, someone has to step up and take care of it. Can a doctor go from “do no harm” to defending his own with his teeth and claws?

Colt Doherty is used to a certain kind of life. Glittering, picturesque, and . . . empty. As the youngest child of the country’s only werewolf senator, Colt has grown up in the spotlight, and he’s all too used to knot-headed alphas taking credit for the work of others, especially omegas like himself. When his editor sends him to write a story on the Grove pack, though, he finds something completely unexpected: Linden Grove in his unpolished perfection, as shiny and sweet as the apples his pack are known for.

A Grove pack omega has been kidnapped, and someone has to step up. The pack needs Linden to fill his father’s shoes, but no wolf can stand on his own. To save the day, sheltered Colt has to drop the politics and become the action hero he never thought an omega could be.

Black Moon

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021


Este rincón se creó allá por 2011, cuando Blogger era una comunidad que estaba comenzando y creciendo. Le tengo mucho cariño, y aunque lleva unos años de baja actividad, pienso retomarla. Leo mucho tanto en inglés como en español, pero mi intención es reseñar en español por cuestión de comodidad y porque así me apetece, pero podéis encontrar mis reseñas en inglés en Goodreads si así lo deseáis.