martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

Top Ten | Sagas que continuar

¡Buenas tardes! ♥

Hoy os traigo un nuevo Top Ten, en este caso es el de sagas que quiero continuar. Vendría siendo la versión 2.0 porque hace unos años ya hice una lista de esto, aunque... con la de sagas que tengo empezadas, podría hacer este top ten todos los años e incluir sagas nuevas sin fin XD

Voy a intentar redactar esta entrada con el nuevo blogger, a ver si no muero en el intento (rezad por mí XD). ¿Lo habéis probado ya? Yo trasteo con él de vez en cuando, pero tiene tantos fallos y han quitado tantas funciones que me gustan que sigo usando más el antiguo.

Primera tumba a la izquierda | Charley Davidson #1 | Darynda Jones Some girls bite | Chicagoland vampires #1 | Chloe Neill Forastera | Claire Randall #1 | Diana Gabaldon El seductor | Cocktail #1 | Alice Clayton El ángel caído | El gremio de los cazadores #1 | Nalini Singh

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2020

Reseña | Poetry in motion

Poetry in motion | Samantha Wayland
TÍTULO: Poetry in motion
AUTORA: Samantha Wayland
GÉNERO: Romance contemporáneo, Deportes
EDITORIAL: Loch Awe Press
Travis Campbell has been at this hockey thing for a while. He knows his days on the ice are numbered, but he’s happy with the Moncton Ice Cats and he’s still got some time to figure out what comes next. He’s been taking college classes online and thought he knew what he was doing, but then he made the ultimate rookie mistake. It turns out the poetry class is not the easier way to get his required English credits.
Barnaby Birtwistle has exiled himself to the wilds of New Brunswick, leaving London, his so-called friends, and his cheating ex behind. His life is finally getting back on track, and he's going to keep it that way, even if it means living like a monk.
Travis is expecting a bookish nerd to help him pass his staggeringly boring class; Barnaby is expecting a meathead hockey player who struggles to string two words together, let alone appreciate poetry. Turns out that they both have something to learn.

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

LLL | Mayo 2020

¡Buenos días! ♥

¿Qué tal os va todo? ¿Qué tal estáis llevando la desescalada? Yo sigo teniendo demasiado tiempo libre, la verdad, aunque con esto de que ahora nos podemos mover de municipio (en Euskadi al menos estamos así ahora, supongo que depende de dónde viváis estamos en distintas fases XD) empieza a entretenerme más. Pero así y con todo sigo dedicando la mayor parte de mi tiempo a la tele y a la lectura XD

Want me | Extracurricular activities #1 | Neve Wilder
Lo que leí
Living with four other guys, it's bound to happen.
Every guy's been caught taking care of business at least once, right?
It shouldn't be a big deal.
But I don't know Eric as well as my other roommates, and things are a little awkward now.
He's a loner. A mystery. Quietly confident. Smart.
Sexy as hell.
I've been happily subsisting on the typical frat guy diet of booze and sorority girls.
But the way Eric looked at me that night?
There was something there.
Something that's got me curious.
Something that's stirring up feelings I thought I'd left behind for good.
Something that's making me think I'm not as straight as I thought I was.
I can't get him off of my mind.
I don't think I want to.
So when he offers to help me study for a midterm, I take him up on it.
It's innocent.
Probably. Maybe.
There's no way I could've known what it'd start...

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Reseña | Hood River Rat

Hood River Rat | Hood River Hoodlums #1 | K. Webster
TÍTULO: Hood River rat
AUTORA: K. Webster
GÉNERO: Juvenil, New Adult
EDITORIAL: Autopublicado
SAGA: Hood River Hoodlums #1
Hood River was supposed to be the change I needed.
A fresh start.
An escape from my painful past.
Better in every way.
I’m a popular guy. Approachable. I make friends easily.
Cool car. Nice clothes. Good attitude.
Everything will be fine.
School is school.
I’ll keep my head down until graduation and try not to stick out.
College will be here before I know it.
Yet my first day proves to be anything but easy.
The Hood River Hoodlums—our school’s most notorious group of bad boys—have put a target on my back.
Their leader, Roan, hates me.
He calls me Rat.
To him and his friends, I’m a loser who doesn’t belong at their school.
I could pretend I don’t care about their hate.
If only Roan wasn’t so hot.
He’s mean, cruel, and sexy as hell.
My nemesis is impossible to ignore…and a secret part of me doesn’t want to.
Here I thought being gay was the worst of my problems.
Turns out, being gay and crushing on your enemy takes the cake.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

Reseña | Shades of Henry

Shades of Henry | The flophouse #1 | Amy Lane
TÍTULO: Shades of Henry
AUTORA: Amy Lane
GÉNERO: New adult, Drama
EDITORIAL: Dreamspinner Press
SAGA: The flophouse #1
One bootstrap act of integrity cost Henry Worrall everything—military career, family, and the secret boyfriend who kept Henry trapped for eleven years. Desperate, Henry shows up on his brother’s doorstep and is offered a place to live and a job as a handyman in a flophouse for young porn stars.
Lance Luna’s past gave him reasons for being in porn, but as he continues his residency at a local hospital, they now feel more like excuses. He’s got the money to move out of the flophouse and live his own life—but who needs privacy when you’re taking care of a bunch of young men who think working penises make them adults?
Lance worries Henry won’t fit in, but Henry’s got a soft spot for lost young men and a way of helping them. Just as Lance and Henry find a rhythm as den mothers, a murder and the ghosts of Henry’s abusive past intrude. Lance knows Henry’s not capable of murder, but is he capable of caring for Lance’s heart?

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Reseña | Escándalo en primavera

Escándalo en primavera | Wallflowers #4 | Lisa Kleypas
TÍTULO: Escándalo en primavera
AUTORA: Lisa Kleypas
GÉNERO: Romance histórico
SAGA: Wallflowers #4
Tras tres temporadas en Londres buscando esposo, el padre de Daisy Bowman le comunica a su hija en términos inequívocos que debe encontrar marido ya. Y si Daisy no es capaz de atrapar a un pretendiente adecuado, se casará con el hombre que él elija... el tosco y distante Mathew Swift.
Daisy se queda horrorizada ante semejante posibilidad. Una Bowman jamás admite la derrota, y decide hacer lo que sea necesario para casarse con alguien, con cualquiera que no sea Mathew. Pero con lo que ella no contaba es con el inesperado encanto de Marthew, o con la arrebatadora sensualidad que pronto surge y sobrepasa todo límite. Y Daisy descubre que el hombre al que siempre ha odiado podría resultar ser el hombre de sus sueños.
Pero en el preciso momento de la dulce rendición, se desvela un escandaloso secreto... Un secreto que podría destruir a Mathew y un amor más apasionado e irresistible de lo que Daisy se atrevió a soñar jamás.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

Reseña | When everything is blue

When everything is blue | Laura Lascarso
TÍTULO: When everything is blue
AUTORA: Laura Lascarso
GÉNERO: Juvenil
EDITORIAL: Dreamspinner Press
When they were kids, Chris Mitcham rescued Theo from the neighborhood bullies and taught him how to “be cool.” Now, years later, Theo’s developed feelings for his best friend that arise at the most inopportune times. Theo hates lying to Chris, but in coming out, he might lose the one person who understands him best, a risk he’s not willing to take.
When a relationship with another young man goes south, Theo is forced to confront his own sexuality along with his growing attraction to Chris and his stunted, tenuous relationship with his father. Will Chris abandon Theo when he learns the truth, or will he stand by him in this tumultuous season of self-discovery?
In this quirky coming-of-age romance, Theo’s path to manhood is fraught with awkward firsts and a few haters, but also the unexpected comfort of a friend turned lover.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Lunes Musicales | Vuelve

¡Buenos días!

Lunes nuevo, semana nueva. ¿Qué tal os va todo? ¿Cómo lleváis la cuarentena? Espero que todo os vaya bien tanto a vosotros como a vuestras familias.

Hoy os traigo, cómo no, una canción nueva. En esta ocasión se trata de una colaboración entre Sebastián Yatra y Beret, dos cantantes que me gustan mucho pero que, la verdad sea dicha, no sigo demasiado de cerca... No me preguntéis por qué, sencillamente así es XD Sin embargo, cuando salió el último álbum de Sebastián y escuché esta canción, no pude parar de hacerlo. Ahí va, espero que la disfrutéis.

¡Nos leemos!

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

Reseña | Caulky

Caulky | Four Bears Construction #1 | K.M. Neuhold
TÍTULO: Caulky
AUTORA: K.M. Neuhold
GÉNERO: Romance contemporáneo
EDITORIAL: Autopublicado
SAGA: Four Bears Construction #1
Ren is in desperate need of a rebound fling. Lucky for him, the smoking hot contractor he hired has just the tool for the job.
The last thing I want is another relationship or another broken heart.
All I need are my bees and the occasional hookup to scratch the itch.
Okay, maybe meeting up with my hot contractor weekly is a little more than occasional. And maybe the way I’m starting to feel about the guy I’ve been anonymously chatting with online should concern me.
But CaulkyAF doesn’t want to meet, and Cole doesn’t want anything serious, so what’s the worst that could happen?

martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Top Ten | Libros favoritos poco conocidos

¡Buenas tardes! ♥

Hoy os traigo una nueva lista, en esta ocasión os voy a hablar de libros que están en mi top de favoritos y que considero que no tienen el reconocimiento que merecen. Todos sabemos cómo funcionan las cosas en el mundo editorial/literario, destacar y mantenerte en el foco de interés cuando hay tantas publicaciones nuevas... pues cuesta.

Odio hacer top de lecturas favoritas, creo que hay pocas cosas más difíciles que elegir solo una cantidad determinada de libros favoritos... así que para poder llevar a cabo esta tarea he decidido centrarme en mi top favoritos publicados en español, quieras que no así hago una gran criba (al quitarme los favoritos que solo están en otros idomas y los favoritos que son muy famosos... pues la selección ha sido algo más sencilla). ¿Preparados? Os advierto que los libros están sin orden ni concierto, he elegido los 10 que mejor recuerdo tengo y ya.

Egomaniac - Vi Keeland La canción del lobo 1 - T.J. Klune Cambiando el juego 2 - Jaci Burton Leo quiere a Aries 1 - Anyta Sunday Moriré besando a Simon Snow 1 - Rainbow Rowell

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020

Reseña | Strong side

Strong side | Eastshore tigers #1 | Alison Hendricks
TÍTULO: Strong side
AUTORA: Alison Hendricks
GÉNERO: New Adult, Deportes
EDITORIAL: Autopublicado
SAGA: Eastshore Tigers #1
Jason Hawkins is about to throw the biggest Hail Mary pass of his career.
If he can't turn NFL recruiters' heads this year, he'll lose his shot at the one thing he's ever been good at. But every quarterback needs a man he can count on down-field. For Jason, that man just might be the Tigers' new receiver, Derek Griffin.
Four years ago, Derek nearly lost everything after being outed by his teammates.
Now he finally has a chance to get it all back as a walk-on for Eastshore College... if he can resist his immediate attraction to the gorgeous and very straight star quarterback.
An instant connection during practice leads to an easy friendship that only grows stronger off the field. Derek is convinced friendship is all it'll ever be, but a very confusing moment of impulse leaves both of them fumbling for answers about their relationship.
As curiosity gives way to passion and passion gives way to something deeper, Jason and Derek will have to tackle their own personal demons to bring home the win and earn their happy ending.