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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta TokyoPop. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta TokyoPop. Mostrar todas las entradas
Don't call me dirty | Dirty #1 | Kanbe Gorou

After some time in a long distance sort-of-relationship with his crush, Shouji is crestfallen when weeks of getting ghosted finally result in a confession: his boyfriend just isn't gay. Having struggled with his sexuality for years, Shouji throws himself into his work to distract himself from the rejection— but when a young homeless man called Hama shows up at the shop, Shouji finds himself curious to learn more about him and, hopefully, befriend him. Attempting to make their way in a society that labels each of them as 'outcasts' and 'dirty,' the two men grow closer. Together, they begin to find they have more in common than either of them could have anticipated.

Don't Call Me Dirty

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020

Dekoboko Sugar Days | Yusen Atsuko

Yuujirou Matsukaze has been close friends with Rui Hanamine since the two of them were children, and at that time, Yuujirou was the one who stood up for and took care of his adorable, soft-hearted friend. But as it turns out, Yuujirou's childhood dreams end up growing a little too big to handle ― or, rather, too tall! At over six feet in height, the cheerful and happy-go-lucky Rui towers over his would-be protector... and still has no idea Yuujirou's had a crush on him since they were kids!

Dekoboko Sugar Days

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020


Este rincón se creó allá por 2011, cuando Blogger era una comunidad que estaba comenzando y creciendo. Le tengo mucho cariño, y aunque lleva unos años de baja actividad, pienso retomarla. Leo mucho tanto en inglés como en español, pero mi intención es reseñar en español por cuestión de comodidad y porque así me apetece, pero podéis encontrar mis reseñas en inglés en Goodreads si así lo deseáis.