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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 2024. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 2024. Mostrar todas las entradas

An ex-FBI agent is partnered with the enemy in this suspenseful first installment of Charlie Adhara’s Big Bad Wolf series

Hunting for big bad wolves was never part of agent Cooper Dayton’s plan, but a werewolf attack lands him in the carefully guarded Bureau of Special Investigations. A new case comes with a new partner: ruggedly sexy werewolf Oliver Park.

Park is an agent of The Trust, a werewolf oversight organization working to ease escalating tensions with the BSI. But as far as Cooper’s concerned, it’s failing. As they investigate a series of mysterious deaths unlike anything they’ve seen, every bone in Cooper’s body is suspicious of his new partner—even when Park proves himself as competent as he is utterly captivating.

When more people vanish, pressure to solve the case skyrockets. And though he’d resolved to keep things professional, Cooper’s friction with Park soon erupts...into a physical need that can’t be contained or controlled. But with a body count that’s rising by the day, werewolves and humans are in equal danger. If Cooper and Park don’t catch the killer soon, one—or both—of them could be the next to go.

The Wolf at the Door

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2024

Una peligrosa alianza entre una novia vampira y un licántropo alfa da lugar a una historia de amor tan intensa como para querer hincarle el diente

Misery Lark, la única hija del consejero vampírico más poderoso del suroeste, es, de nuevo, una marginada. Los días de anonimato entre los humanos se le han acabado: su padre recurre a ella para poder llevar a cabo una alianza de paz histórica entre los vampiros y sus enemigos mortales, los licántropos, por lo que no le queda más remedio que resignarse al intercambio. Otra vez...

Los licántropos son despiadados e impredecibles, y su alfa, Lowe Moreland, no es la excepción. Lidera a su manada con total autoridad, pero siempre de forma justa y, a diferencia del consejo vampírico, con compasión. Por el modo en que no pierde de vista a Misery, está claro que no se fía de ella. Y bien que hace...

Porque Misery tiene sus motivos para haber accedido a ese matrimonio de conveniencia, motivos que nada tienen que ver con la política ni con ninguna alianza, sino con lo único que le ha importado en la vida. Y está dispuesta a hacer lo que haga falta para recuperar lo que ha perdido, incluso si para ello debe vivir a solas en territorio licántropo; a solas con el lobo.


martes, 24 de septiembre de 2024

Carretera al invierno | Winter Falls #1 | Virginia Cavanillas y Fátima Embark

«Quería encontrar una pareja con la que pasar Halloween y encontré a una persona con la que pasaría cualquier día, aunque no fuese Halloween».

Gabriel es… especial; de único, de particular. Si pudiera, se convertiría en un personaje de una película de Tim Burton. Le gusta Halloween, no solo porque es su cumpleaños, sino como forma de vida. Su mayor deseo es compartirlo con alguien que adore esa fecha tanto como él. ¿Acaso es mucho pedir? Hombre, mujer… Le da igual siempre que decorar calabazas, ver películas de miedo y oler a otoño esté en los planes. Gabriel quiere enamorarse, y hacerlo bien por una vez.

Hendrix le ha dado un descanso al amor. Cansado de ser un anfitrión cuyos visitantes llegan a su vida con fecha de caducidad, ha decidido que no quiere nada de romances ni de aventuras. Y mucho menos si el chico en cuestión es un bisexual sin experiencia obsesionado con las calabazas, las velas y sin filtro a la hora de hablar. No, se niega.

¿Existe el destino? ¿Hay parejas que han nacido para estar juntas? ¿O el amor es una carretera de doble sentido por la que hay que aprender a conducir? A veces, solo se trata de subirse al coche de la persona correcta.

Carretera al invierno

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2024


El hockey en Chicago no sería nada sin mí; la multitud necesita alguien a quien odiar. Sé cuál es mi papel, y lo represento a la perfección. De hecho, me encanta pasar la mayor parte del partido amonestado en el banquillo para luego dejar el estadio con una chica distinta cada noche... o eso es lo que quiero que piense la prensa.

Lo que no me gusta es la nueva azafata del avión privado del equipo. Ella trabaja para mí, no al revés. Pero me aseguraré de recordárselo, y para cuando termine la temporada deseará no haber aceptado el puesto.

Pero en cada vuelo estoy más confundido, y ya no logro distinguir si sigo pulsando el botón de llamada para fastidiarla o es que hay algo más.


Hace años que soy auxiliar de vuelo. Pensaba que lo había visto todo, pero cuando entro a trabajar para la superestrella más ególatra y arrogante de la Liga Nacional de Hockey, empiezo a replanteármelo todo. Especialmente la promesa que me hice a mí misma de no volver a tirarme a un deportista jamás... por mucho que me atraiga.

Evan Zanders no tiene filtro ni complejos, y se tiene demasiado creído lo bueno que está. Adora la imagen que proyecta, pero yo detesto todo de ella.

Todo... menos a él.


Rozando el cielo

domingo, 23 de junio de 2024

The Sunshine Court | All For the Game #4 | Nora Sakavic
My name is Jean Moreau. My place is at Evermore. I belong to the Moriyamas.

It is a truth Jean has built his life around, a reminder this is the best he can hope for and all he deserves. But when he is stolen from Edgar Allan University and sold to a more dangerous master, Jean is forced to contend with a life outside of the Nest for the first time in five years. The Foxes call his transfer to California a fresh start; Jean knows it is little more than a golden cage.

Captain Jeremy Knox is facing his final year with the USC Trojans and fifth straight year falling short of the championships trophy he desperately craves. Taking in the nation’s best defenseman is a no-brainer, even if that man is a Raven. But Jean is no monster, just a man with no hope or desire for a future, and when Evermore's collapse starts dragging Jean's hideous secrets to light, Jeremy is forced to contend with the cost of victory.

The Sunshine Court

domingo, 14 de abril de 2024

Lies of Omission | Zinnetti Mafia World #1 | C. Lymari

Theodore Lyons was waiting.

Waiting for his senior year to end.
Waiting for his father to give him the freedom he desperately craved.
And waiting for Salvadore Zinnetti to tell him exactly what the hell he wanted from him.
If he had one guess, it would be revenge.
It would have been easy to ignore him and keep on waiting, except for the fact that he needed Salvadore as much as Salvadore claimed to need him.
If they were to be allies, then they would need to trust one another.
Easier said than done when Salvadore seemed to hate him.

And these lies of omission were a sure way to get them both killed.

Lies of Omission

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2024

Lot 62 | From Nothing #2 | Nordika Night
Every fairytale had a villain, and this way of life was ours.

Coming from nothing and gaining something is a lot to handle. Can they hang on to it?

A year after moving in together on Lot 62, Devon and Maddox have a whole new dynamic to adjust to—cohabitation. Merging their personalities and energies into one tiny trailer is a lot to handle, but so is their relationship. There are bound to be some growing pains, and these two are about to work through them all.

As they strive to steady their relationship, they also have a horde of troubles coming their way.

Jim is out of prison with a new plan.

Devon is a product of his upbringing and doesn’t always make the smartest decisions.

Maddox runs interference while suffering the consequences of their reality.

With threats on their doorstep, Maddox and Devon learn how to prioritize the hard way. All that matters is that they’re together, and they’ll stop at nothing to ensure they are.

The future may seem bleak, but their bond and the love they share will have to get them through the dark to the future they’re dreaming about.

Lot 62

viernes, 2 de febrero de 2024

Garron Park | From Nothing #1 | Nordika Night
Garron Park, where hope dies and no one ever gets ahead. Until…

When Devon Sawyer desperately searches for his brother in the middle of the night, beaten and broken, he finds Maddox Kane instead.

With his dad on his trail, he has no choice but to stand on his enemy’s doorstep and let Maddox help. Maddox has never seen Devon this vulnerable. Living in Garron’s trailer park means families dole out discipline on the regular and violence is a part of life, but something about how far Jim Sawyer takes it this time has Maddox unnerved.

Rivals in motocross, work, and life itself, they’re forced to work together for one night. Perspectives change and their friction morphs into something unexpected. Hatred turns to lust. Tensions switch from hostile to aroused. While their competitiveness remains, their dynamic shifts. Their acceptance is anything but graceful.

Two guys who come from nothing, with very little to look forward to, find themselves craving each other in new and fiery ways.


Garron Park

lunes, 29 de enero de 2024

Snowed In with the Vampire Mate | Blood Bonded Mates #1 | Jay Castle
My death day is sacred. I spend it the same way I wish I could spend every day: alone in my isolated cabin, with a glass of wine in one hand and a book in the other. But when the scent of human blood shatters my solitude, I find James—unflappable, undeniably gorgeous, and utterly unafraid of me. He makes my blood boil and he stirs desires dormant for over a century. I must protect him, even if it costs me everything.

In the wake of my father’s passing, I go to our secluded camping spot in the mountains to scatter his ashes. It’s almost a full day’s hike from civilization and I expected to grieve alone. I never dreamed I’d get stranded by a freak snowstorm or that I’d be attacked by wolves. I certainly never imagined I’d meet someone like Pierce, the grumpy, overprotective, and annoyingly handsome vampire who saves my life. Now, snowed in and surrounded on all sides by the werewolves determined to turn me into one of them, my only protection is the vampire I’m inexplicably falling in love with.

Link al libro en Amazon

Disponible en Kindle Unlimited

Snowed in with the Vampire Prince

domingo, 21 de enero de 2024


Este rincón se creó allá por 2011, cuando Blogger era una comunidad que estaba comenzando y creciendo. Le tengo mucho cariño, y aunque lleva unos años de baja actividad, pienso retomarla. Leo mucho tanto en inglés como en español, pero mi intención es reseñar en español por cuestión de comodidad y porque así me apetece, pero podéis encontrar mis reseñas en inglés en Goodreads si así lo deseáis.